Weekend Wellness Tips

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One more day to the weekend…whooo! Here are some of our top weekend wellness tips for a weekend reset… Set aside some time to be still. Find 20 minutes each day for movement. Plan a wellness evening- bubble bath, facial cleanse & full body moisturise. Netflix & chill (snacks too ;-)). Get some zzz’s. A… Read more »

Mind your mind this Blue Monday

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Blue Monday is just around the corner and we wanted to give you some top tips to help you mind your mind. This year Blue Monday falls on the 16th of January. It is believed that Blue Monday is ‘the most depressing day of the year’ based on a series of factors including average temperature,… Read more »

Top 5 Tip’s for a good night’s sleep

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Top 5 tips

We are all so busy rushing around these days that a good nights sleep is essential to tackling those crazy days, & striking some semblance of a work-life balance. Now that the kids are back to school & the dark evenings are fast approaching we wanted to put together the Top 5 Tip’s for a… Read more »

5 Top Tips for Stress-Free Christmas Shopping

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jane darcy gift set

Now that the kids are back to school and the days are getting shorter we are all starting to think about Christmas (I know I am anyway) , so let’s talk TOP 5 TIPS for stress-free Christmas shopping. I don’t know about you, but I love Christmas! The music, the lights, the festivities, the catching… Read more »

Positives I’m taking out of lockdown…

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lockdown fun

Wow! What a year and a half it’s been! Am I right or am I right? The world has been turned on it’s head with the emergence of Coronavirus/Covid_19. It’s been a really difficult time for everyone for many reasons. I think everyone has struggled during the constant lockdowns, and that’s normal, but you know… Read more »

Appreciation Post

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Hey folks! A short & sweet thank you post… I haven’t been on in quite awhile as we are super busy behind the scenes getting ready to launch our new collections for the Christmas period. We are getting so close now to our new product landing in store in early November. It’s such an exciting… Read more »

Covid Diary Entry 2

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How are we all this week ladies & gents? It’s up’s and down’s isn’t it? I mean you have some days when you can take over the world and the others where getting dressed is a massive achievement. And thats ok. It’s ok to have down days too. These are the days to recharge our… Read more »

My Covid Diary

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Hey everyone, I hope you are all keeping well & staying safe in these difficult times. I thought it might be useful to put together a Covid Diary every couple of days to let you know how we are getting on & a few tips & tricks. I’m no expert but I will walk you… Read more »

Wellbeing has never been more important

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In a time of mass uncertainty, our wellbeing has never been more important.  The Coronavirus has taken the world by storm and caused panic and disruption to our lives as we know it. Whatever side of the fence you are on, whether you don’t believe it is something to worry about or you are wracked… Read more »

Maison et Object Paris- All Your Questions Answered

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Ok. So I have received so many private messages asking me all about our first ever trip to Maison et Object Paris, so I thought what better way to answer all your questions than with a blog post! Making the decision to come to exhibit at Maison et Object was a pretty scary (and at… Read more »