Appreciation Post
Hey folks!
A short & sweet thank you post…
I haven’t been on in quite awhile as we are super busy behind the scenes getting ready to launch our new collections for the Christmas period. We are getting so close now to our new product landing in store in early November. It’s such an exciting time, but exhausting all the same (I won’t lie!)
I’m loving every minute of the build up to our launch and cannot wait to reveal to you, our customers, followers, friends & family, what we have been getting up to behind the scenes. It’s always so rewarding knowing you guys are always behind me, supporting me, spurring me on. And that brings me to the reason I am writing this blog post.
I wanted to thank you. To thank you for all your support, your custom, your words of encouragement.
It might seem little to you when you send me a DM with a nice comment about our products, or an encouraging word when something goes wrong (as it can do…) but for me it’s a big deal. It’s massive. You are the reason I keep going. Why I keep fighting every day to do better. To create products you love. To show content that makes you smile, that makes you happy. Trust me, it means everything that you are all behind me.
One thing I have learnt about the Irish over the last two years in business is that we are amazing cheerleaders and supporters.
I have received nothing but love and encouragement from you, my followers, the Irish media, other Irish entrepreneurs, our stockists, other Irish business, and the list goes on…
So I guess what i’m trying to say, simply put, is thank you.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Gill xxx
Ps. I want to give a little shout out to a few of our amazing stockists. If you can please support our amazing Irish stockists this Christmas I know it would mean the world to them.
- Emporium Kalu, Naas- www.emporiumkalu.com
- Robyns Nest, Malahide- www.robynsnest.ie
- Maggie & Me, Howth
- Gifts.ie- www.gifts.ie
- Aquila, Skerries
- PicaPica, Kildare
- Monica Tolan, Balbriggan- www.monicatolan.com
- Adele’s Apothecary, Dungannon- www.adelesapothecary.com
- Infinity Aesthetics, Portmarnock- www.infinityaesthetics.ie
- Serena Boutiques, Sandymount & Blackrock- www.serenaboutiques.com
- The Book Resort- www.thebookresort.ie
- Lemon Thyme Cafe, Ashbourne
- Pebbles, Schull
- Classic Irish Hampers- www.classicirishhampers.com
- The Beauty Rooms, Greystones- www.thebeautyroomgreystones.ie
- Cuckoo Craft & Design, Kinvarra
- Monons Collections, Belgium- www.manonscollections.be
- Bosun, Kinsale
- Kenmare Cashemere
- Park West Flowers, Mallow- www.mallowflowers.com
*Apologies for any stockists I have not mentioned. There are so many of you wonderful stockists of Jane Darcy, both new & old, it’s impossible to mention everyone. So thank you to you all for your continued support. I really appreciate it.