Maison et Object Paris- All Your Questions Answered
Ok. So I have received so many private messages asking me all about our first ever trip to Maison et Object Paris, so I thought what better way to answer all your questions than with a blog post!
Making the decision to come to exhibit at Maison et Object was a pretty scary (and at the same time very exciting) decision.
I mean we are only a year and a half in business so what isn’t scary! Everything had to be considered, from logistics, organising everything, was I spreading myself too thinly, how will the rest of the world receive us, money (of course)…and the list goes on.
But at the end of the day what it comes down to is your goals.
What did I really want?
Did I want to expand Jane Darcy to the rest of the world. Did I think everyone would love our brand and what we are all about? Did I want to follow my dream? Did I want to create something I could be proud of and my girls could look up to?
And the answer was yes. Yes every time.
Of course it’s scary to try new things, but for me ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’. So here I am. Representing myself, and Jane Darcy, and most importantly our amazing country, Ireland, in France at one of the most renowned trade shows in the world. Wait can someone pinch me?!
Is Maison et Object a big show?
Yes absolutely! If you ever have the pleasure of attending ditch the heels and opt for runners instead. Less glam I know, but trust me on this one.
Is Maison et Object well attended?
100% Buyers from all over the world come to Maison et Object to find something different and interesting. All you have to do is look at our Instagram page to see the volume of people entering & exiting the show! It’s crazy. But super amazing if you want to expand your horizons!
Is it expensive to exhibit?
Another yes unfortunately…but I reckon it’s worth it! Worth the opportunity to expand and to grow. To enter markets you aren’t already in and expand in ones you already are. The footfall is great and buyers are serious.
But always better to reserve judgement until after the show. As my dad always say ‘don’t count your chickens until they have hatched’. (So come back to me on this one;-))
Mostly I am asked how I am so brave? Or where do I get the energy from?
I don’t know if I am super brave or if I have any more energy than anyone else. I am just like everyone else.
I get tired and scared and sometimes wonder if I am doing everything the right way. I often wonder if my girls would be proud of me. Would they make the same decisions? Will they be happy with the choices I made? Will you be happy with my choices? Does the world like me and what i’m doing?
But we all get those fears right?
I reckon we are all vulnerable. We all feel scared or worried at some point. But I think it’s important to feel that way. If we didn’t what would motivate us to push ourselves.
Sometimes vulnerability is a good thing. After all it’s what makes us human.
The reason I continue to run head first into the scary things is because I have a dream. A passion. And I know, for me, when I push myself outside my comfort zone is when I’m at my best.
So here I am, right outside my comfort zone, in Hall 5A at one of the biggest shows in the world!
Fingers & toes crossed!
Gill xxx