Just Showing Up
This week you may have heard me mention the idea of ‘just showing up’. It’s something I have thought about before but never really actioned, or maybe never really understood the concept. Who knows?!
During last week I was out for a run, and I was feeling pretty low, nothing too serious, I just wasn’t feeling like I was achieving what I wanted to in my days, whether it was at home or work. I was pretty frustrated, and thinking about it was really getting me down. Even getting out on my run that day was a tough task! As a wise woman once told me- ‘the distance from the couch to the door is the hardest part’.
Anyway, i’m getting side-tracked…During my runs I listen to the Nike Run App (this isn’t an advert by the way!) and they were discussing this whole idea of ‘just showing up’.
Just showing up for a run, just showing up for that phone call you were putting off, just showing up to that presentation…what ever it is…just showing up.
No matter how scarred or anxious you are, it’s so important to ‘just show up’, because showing up means you have made it, means you have had a win, and sometimes a little win is all we need when we feel we are on a loosing streak.