Is it back to school already?
Anyone else dreading back to school? Not just because of our monstrous lists of everything from school shoes to books…but because it means we have to put a pause on the unstructured unpredictable nature of summer time.
For me summer time marks a time where anything is possible…an impromptu trip to the beach or a cheeky late night movie. I mean I know a lot of us still have to head out to work every morning but I just can’t seem to shake that feeling you get when schools out for summer! The thrill of the last day knowing you had months of endless summer days and fun camps (regardless of the Irish weather!)

I reckon I want my girls to experience the joy I have for summer. That’s why I always try to get out & about during the summer months. Whether it’s a swim in the sea or something as simple as heading out for an evening stroll. I mean I can’t be alone in this can I? Any other mum’s & dad’s out there with me?
So here I am dreading back to school and i’m not even in school anymore. What makes it even funnier is Willow can’t wait to start back, and Rose is only thrilled to start her journey at Montessori! So for all us panic-filled parents I thought it might ease the pain if we put together a tips & tricks list for back to school. Feel free to add your own tips & tricks in the comments below! I’d be only delighted 😉
Tips & Tricks
- Create a shopping checklist (if you haven’t already)
- Plan your school lunches
- Use Sunday as ‘prep day’- prep all uniforms & most importantly dinner for when you get home (always be a day ahead on dinners if possible)
- Get the kids to bed on-time (they will thank you for it!)
- Remember your children will be super tired the first couple of weeks back to school (and so too will you be!)
- Remember to take time for you. If you don’t take care of yourself you can’t take care of anyone else.
- If homework gets too much or is taking too long leave it (controversial tip I know but I reckon a happy child is a confident child. You don’t want to break their confidence) A little note in the bag to teacher to explain is super helpful so teacher knows what’s going on.
- Any changes in your family circumstances do let teacher know. This is super important. Don’t be embarrassed. It helps your child, teacher & you. Trust me on this one.
- Leave a little note in your child’s lunch box every now & then (providing they can read & they aren’t too cool for school ;-))
- Ask for help. Ok this one is super important. If you need a hand, ask for it. It’s not always easy getting the kids settled in school & trying to live your own life too.
- Read a bedtime story. I know this can be hard after a long day but it gives you and your child time together & creates a space where your child can talk to you if anything is bothering them (everyone knows children become the worlds biggest chatter boxes before bedtime!)
- After-School activities are great but try not over schedule. (I’m a sucker for this one!)

Last but not least. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It’s hard starting back into the routine of getting up & out to school, preparing lunches, washing uniforms etc etc. Know that your not alone. I’m right here with you underneath the pile of washing and dirty dishes…but we will get through it together.
There will also be amazing times too…the times they come home clutching their latest artwork or reciting a poem they learnt in school. These are the times that make it all worth it. Treasure these moments.
Let’s do this ladies & gents! Let’s rock this whole back to school thing!