Wellbeing has never been more important
In a time of mass uncertainty, our wellbeing has never been more important.
The Coronavirus has taken the world by storm and caused panic and disruption to our lives as we know it.
Whatever side of the fence you are on, whether you don’t believe it is something to worry about or you are wracked with anxiety, it is evident that this virus has and will cause disruption to all our lives in some form.
That being said, we are in control of how we deal with this.
I am not going to talk about the necessary steps and medical advice we have received thus far, which is of course super important. Things like washing your hands with antibacterial soap and water, proper cough and sneeze etiquette, and self isolation for vulnerable parties, are super important. I’m not a doctor so I can’t speak on these matters, but I will suggest looking to Dr.Doireann O’Leary for sensible and practical advice.
Stay away from sources of information that are not informed by professionals in the medical field. It is about getting the right information from the right people.
So I will leave this to Dr. O’Leary. Here Instagram handle is dr.doireannoleary for anyone interested.
What I have noticed is how important it is for us to look after our wellbeing during this time of uncertainty. To mind ourselves and each other. It’s a time when we should be pulling together. So here’s my top tips for staying mentally well;
- Avoid information thats not grounded in professional medical advice
- Distinguish facts from rumours- Don’t listen to hear’say or playground chatter
- Stay connected- those in isolation should stay connected virtually to family, friends & loved ones. Pick up the phone.
- Stick to your daily routine (where possible & safe to do so)
- Maintain a healthy diet & get a good sleep
- Exercise is key- it will relieve stress, boost your mood & help you sleep well
- Don’t panic- follow expert advise. This is here to keep us safe
- Make time for you- time when you can focus on your own mind & how you are feeling
- Be honest & ask for help- everyone needs help every now and again. Ask for help if you are feeling down. Tell someone. There is always someone who will listen and who is ready to help. It will lighten your load
- Create a new daily routine (if in isolation)- whether that is reading a new book, planning exercise routines, or watching a family movie. Accepting the ‘new normal’ for a short time could have its benefits too
- Exercise compassion- be empathetic to those who have been infected. They haven’t done anything wrong
Here’s some ideas of things you can do to focus on yourself:
- Meditate
- Read a book
- Take a nice long bath
- Write a journal entry/blog
- Do a workout
- Practice yoga
- Organise your wardrobe (I find this therapeutic ;-))
- Go for a walk
Here’s some ideas of how to stay connected in isolation:
- Call a friend or family member- remember there is always someone on the other end of the phone
- Facetime/video call- you can even have a virtual dinner date
- Connect on social channels- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc
- Watch a movie together/do a workout/play a board game (if at home with someone & safe to do so)